Trip cost (expenses) to Pahalgam, Kashmir

How much does a taxi cab, bus, air travel, etc. cost for travel to and within Kashmir?

At the end, costs depend upon what you expect from your vacation...

Best option is to travel by air one way, and by car/taxi/bus the other way. While the Kashmir valley and the Himalayan ranges look breathtaking from the heights of an airplace, there is no substitute to travel on National Highway No 1 to Srinagar. And would you want to miss travelling on rails through the tunnels and bridges between Udhampur and Jammu? Of course once in the valley, travel to Pahalgam, Gulmarg, Sonamarg would of course be by road.

E x p e n s e s
for a trip to Pahalgam, and Kashmir, in general can vary, depending on the budget and the 'quality' of the anticipated vacation (like anywhere else). However there are certain trip related expenses that can be measured against some the standard costs of varios goods and services that one can expect.

  • Bus Fare (Per Person)
  • Jammu To Pahalgam Rs. 200.00 Rs. 155.00 Rs. 130.00 Rs. 220.00
  • Jammu To Baltal Rs. 240.00 Rs. 200.00 Rs. 160.00 Rs. 270.00
  • Taxi Fare (Per Person)
  • TATA SUMO ( 7 Seater ) AMBASSADOR / VAN ( 5 Seater )
  • Jammu To Pahalgam Rs.360.00 Rs. 520.00
  • Jammu To Baltal Rs. 550.00 Rs. 760.00
  • Other Expenditure:
  • Chandanwari to Holy Cave
  • Rates as per J&K Government (up & down): Click here to check rates for year 2006