Pahalgam, Kashmir


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Power: Pahalgam 3MW goes live April 2005

Projects that would be commissioned in the month of April 2005, include Pahalgam 3MW, Haftal 1 MW, Igo Maccelang 3 MW and Bhaderwah II 1.15 MW and three more hydel projects would be completed during the current financial year these are Machil 0.35 MW, Sanjok 1.26 MW and Marpochoo 0.75 MW. 11 mini hydel projects have already been tendered they include Kohmil 3.75 MW, Hajipoa 9 MW, Athwatoo 7.50 MW. Ranmgalla Dunadi 7 MW, Tangmarg 6 MW, Bonigar 3 MW and Drung 2 MW. Work on six prestigious projects will be started this year. They include Sawalakote I and II 1200 MW, Baglihar-II 450 MW, Parnai 37.50 MW, New Ganderbal 9.3 MW, Kalthi 240 MW and Lowa Kalnai 50 MW.

Planning and Construction of the Pahalgam Scheme
Brahme, M V; Dandekar, Y S
International Water Power and Dam Construction IWPCDM Vol. 40 , no. 8, pp. 24-26. Aug. 1988

The Kashmir valley, in the Indian Himalayas, has many potential sites for hydropower development because of its favorable topography. A small hydropower station, with a capacity of 4.5 MW, is under construction in the valley at Pahalgam. A case study is presented of the planning process for the scheme. Particular care has to be taken to minimize environmental impact , as the site is in a popular resort area. Aspects highlighted in the article include diversion weirs, the 1375 m-long power channel, the inverted siphon, the forebay, three penstocks and powerhouse, and project cost.

Cable Car Project

May 2005: Work on three Cable Car Projects at Pahalgam, Shankeracharya and Patni Top would be taken up shortly to add tourist attractions for the visitors and the local people. It will be undertaken by Jammu and Kashmir Cable Car Corporation which has completed the world fame highest gondola project at Gulmarg. This Gulmarg project is a 13,400 feet (4,390 meters) ropeway, constructed by French firm Pomagalski.

Resorts - Land Auctions

May 2005: To meet the rising demand for accomodation due to heavy influx of tourists in view of paucity of funds, the Jammu and Kashmir government is planning to auction plots across the state for development as resorts. About 20 such resorts have been identified, including at Pahalgam. The plots put up for auctioneering would between one to two acres.

Road Projects

June 2005: The work on second phase of four-lane Khanabal-Pahalgam road from Mattan to Seer has been started while the first phase from Khanabal to Mattan is in full swing and is expected to be completed in next three months. The four-lane Pahalgam road involving a cost of Rs 25 crore would help ease the rush on the pilgrimage route to the Amarnath cave-shrine.

Environmental Projects

June 2005: Last year 700 environmental friendly odour-free prefab toilets had been raised in Pahalgam, Baltal and other points enroute the Cave Shrine replacing the traditional deep trench toilets. This year, 1000 to 1500 such toilets are proposed to raised for which Rs. 2 crore have been earmarked to cope up the rush of anticipated 5 lakh pilgrims. This is being done to maintain ecology and save water bodies from pollution. Polythene will be totally banned during the Yatra and pilgrims would be allowed to carry jute bags alone. Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board had launched cleaning up operation in Pahalgam, Baltal and other places enroute the Cave Shrine after the conclusion of yatra last year.

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