Category Archives: Weather

Its cold in Pahalgam – with power shortage

May 28th kind of broke the records -when the plains were hot hot at 45 Degrees, it was actually snowing in Pahalgam! Prior to this, the last know day in May when it actually snowed in Pahalgam was May 12th.

Before you visit Pahalgam, plan your trip by checking the weather forecast here.

However, with tourists thronging Kashmir to escape the heat wave in plains of India, the fall in temperature at Pahalgam ended up giving a tough time to visitors. Tourists complained of non-availability of power supply as the town remained mostly under darkness for past many days. Continuous rain has also limited people’s movement.

Around 12000 tourists are presently at Pahalgam and most of them are complaining of poor infrastructure including lack of power during nights. The incessant rains have added to their woes as most of the hotels and huts are devoid of heating system. Use of generators during the night helps, but then created a noise problem.

Some bright sun during the days is beginning to help – however the temperatures remain particularly low.

If you can’t happen to take the cold, you may also want to try out using a Kangri with a shawl or phiran. The Kangri is the earthen pot that is filled with smoldering charcoal and ashes on top, and kept under a shawl that then provides a small amount of continuous warmth. This is what the locals use to beat the cold in the worst of times. Beware however, it can be serious fire hazard if you are not careful, or happen to doze off!