Kashmir to get train service from August

Kashmir Railway Line from August

2 thoughts on “Kashmir to get train service from August”

  1. Expansion of rail network in Jammu and Kashmir
    Sunday, 06 Dec 2009
    Mr KH Muniyappa minister of state in the ministry of railways informed the Lok Sabha that the work of new line from Udhampur to Baramulla in Jammu & Kashmir has been taken up. The section from Qazigund to Baramulla has already been commissioned.

    The minister said that surveys for Baramulla to Kupwra, Jammu to Poonch new lines has already been conducted. As regards Srinagar to Bandipore to Sopore to Baramulla railway line, it is stated that Srinagar has already been connected to Baramulla via Sopore through a rail link as part of the recently completed Qazigund-Baramulla new line.

    The minister added that no survey has been done for Anantnag to Pahalgam. Target for completion is during 2017-18.

  2. i think we should give just one month to yatrees to visit ambernath like in past year they are creating lots of problems they thruogh garbege every where which causes polution around the area and for locals they find very tough to visit at the time please we all should work for this

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